## data type
type 'a option =
Some of 'a
| None
get the head of a list
let hd lst =
match lst with
|h::_->Some h
type shape =
Rect of float * float (* wid*len *)
| Circle of float (* radius *)
let area x = match x with
Rect (w, l) -> w *. l
| Circle r -> r *. r *. 3.14
let unit_circle = Circle 1.0
area unit_circle;;
polymorphic list
type gen = Int of int |Str of string;;
let l = [Int 10; Str "alice"; Int 30; Str "bob"];;
print the generic list. We can use map to print the list
let print_gen x =
match x with
|Int i->print_int i;print_string "\n"
|Str s->print_string s;print_string "\n"
List.map print_gen l;;
#### Expression
let rec power x y=
if(y <= 1 ) then x else x * power x (y-1)
type expr =
Num of int
| Add of expr * expr
| Sub of expr * expr
| Mul of expr * expr
|Div of expr * expr
|Power of expr * expr
let rec eval e =
match e with
Num x -> x
| Add (e1 ,e2) -> eval e1 + eval e2
| Sub (e1, e2) -> eval e1 - eval e2
|Mul (e1, e2) -> eval e1 * eval e2
|Div (e1, e2) -> eval e1 / eval e2
|Power (e1, e2) -> power (eval e1) (eval e2)
eval (Add (Num 5, Power(Mul (Num 4, Num 3), Num 2)));;
returns 5+(4*3)^2 = 149
#### list
type 'a my_list =
| Cons of 'a * 'a my_list;;
length of the list
let rec len = function
Nil -> 0
| Cons (_, t) -> 1 + (len t);;
len (Cons (10, Cons (20, Cons (30, Nil))));;
creat my_list from a list
let rec my_list_of_list (ls : 'a list) : 'a my_list =
match ls with
[] -> Nil
| h::t -> Cons(h, (my_list_of_list t));;
let ol = my_list_of_list [1;2;3;4];;
sum of a my_list
let rec list_sum l =
match l with
|Nil->0 (* we had None ->0 in class. That does not work. *)
|Cons(y,t)->y + (list_sum t);;
let m = list_sum ol;;
let c = Cons(10,Cons(20,Cons(30,Nil)));;
print_int (list_sum c);;
#### Binary Tree
type 'a binary_tree =
| Empty
| Node of 'a * 'a binary_tree * 'a binary_tree;;
let example_tree =
Node('a', Node('b', Node('d', Empty, Empty), Node('e', Empty, Empty)),
Node('c', Empty, Node('f', Node('g', Empty, Empty), Empty)));;
Count the number of node
let rec count tree =
match tree with
Coune the number of leaves
let rec count_leaves = function
| Empty -> 0
| Node(_, Empty, Empty) -> 1
| Node(_, l, r) -> count_leaves l + count_leaves r;;
Collect values of leaf nodes in a list
let rec leaves = function
| Empty -> []
| Node(c, Empty, Empty) -> [c]
| Node(_, l, r) -> leaves l @ leaves r;;
Collect the internal nodes of a binary tree in a list
let rec internals = function
| Empty | Node(_, Empty, Empty) -> []
| Node(c, l, r) -> internals l @ (c :: internals r);;
Collect the nodes at a given level in a list
let rec at_level t l = match t with
| Empty -> []
| Node(c, left, right) ->
if l = 1 then [c]
else at_level left (l - 1) @ at_level right (l - 1);;
## Operator overloaing
Overloading -- operator
let (--) i j =
let rec from i j l =
if i>j then l
else from i (j-1) (j::l)
in from i j []
let longlist = 0 -- 1_000_000
List.fold_left (+) 0 l;;
- : int = 500000500000
# List.fold_right (+) l 0;;
Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?).
## closure
let f x y = x+y;;
let f = fun x - (fun y-> x+y);;
let f x y = fun z -> z + x + y;;
let g1 = f 10 20;;
g1 : int = 30
let g2 = f2 10 20;;
g2 : int -> int =
g2 is a function closure, which has code fun z->z+x+y and environment (x=10,y=20)
g2 30;;
- : int = 60
Java Example
public class Test{
public void doSomething(){
int a = 10; // runnable needs a later. "a" is effectively final.
Runnable runnable = new Runnable(){
public void run(){
int b = a + 1;
(new Thread(runnable)).start();
//a = 100; //"a" is effectivelu final. updating "a" violates it.
public static void main(String[] args){
Test t = new Test();
Closure example:
(* what is the type of this function? *)
let add_n n =
let f x =
print_string "this is my message\n";
x+n in
(* What does this do? What is its type? *)
let add5 x = add_n 5 x;;
(* value? *)
let x = add5 6;;
print_string "outer call: ";
print_int x;;
print_string "\n";;
Can we do the same thing in C? See https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Nested-Functions.html
typedef int (*intfp)(int);
intfp add_n(int n) {
char buf[10] = "message";
int f(int x) {
printf("this is my %s\n",buf);
return x+n;
return f;
int add5(int x) {
intfp fp = add_n(5);
return fp(x);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int x = add5(6);
printf("outer call: %d\n",x);
return 0;
GCC nested function extension:
/* see https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Nested-Functions.html */
typedef int (*int_func)(int);
int_func f(int x) {
int g(int y) {
return x + y;
return g;
int main() {
int_func fp = f(2);
int_func fp2 = f(3);
printf("5 = %d? \n",(*fp)(3));
printf("6 = %d? \n",(*fp2)(3));
Compile it with GNU GCC, and see the output
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