### Higher order functions
What do these functions have in common?
let rec neg x =
match x with
[] -> []
| h::t -> (-h)::(neg t)
let rec add1 x =
match x with
[] -> []
| h::t -> (h+1)::(add1 t)
They both create a new list whose elements are a function of the corresponding elements in the old list. We can write this pattern as its own function, map.
let rec map f x = (* equivalent to List.map *)
match x with
[] -> []
| h::t -> (f h)::(map f t)
map takes a function and a list as arguments, and generate a new list by applying the function to each memeber of the list. map f [a;b;c;d] will generate a list [f a; f b; f c; f d]
let neg' x = (* the same as neg *)
let negate y = -y in
map negate x
let add1' x = (* the same as add1 *)
let addone y = y + 1 in
map addone x;;
neg [1;2;3] = neg' [1;2;3];;
add1 [1;2;3] = add1' [1;2;3];;
### More map examples
let rec map f l=match l with
|h::t->f h::map f t
let double x = x * 2;;
let halve x = x /2;;
let lst = [10;20;30;40];;
map double lst (* returns [20;40;60;80] *)
map halve lst (* returns [5;10;15;20] *)
let cons x ls = x::ls;;
map (cons 0) [[1;2]; [3;4]];;
(* returns [[0; 1; 2]; [0; 3; 4]] *)
Aother map example:
calculate sum of each int list in a list.
let rec sum lst = match lst with
|h::t->h + sum t
List.map sum [[1;2];[4;5;6]];;
- : int list = [3; 15]
### fold_left
let rec fold f a l =
match l with
|h::t->fold f (f a h) t
fold (fun x y->x+y) 0 [1;2;3;4;5];;
(* returns 15 *)
let add x y = x+y;;
fold add 0 [1;2;3];;
### fold_right
let rec right_fold f lst acc =
match lst with
|h::t-> f h (right_fold f t acc)
right_fold (-) [1;2;3] 20;;
returns int = -18
1 - ( 2- (3-20)) = -18
fold and map are fundamental; many functions can be built using them
let reverse ls =
let prepend a x = x :: a in
fold prepend [] ls;;
reverse [1;2;3;4];;
What do these functions have in common? They look similar, but there are small differences.
let rec sum x =
match x with
[] -> 0
| h::t -> h+sum t
let rec length x =
match x with
[] -> 0
| _::t -> 1+length t
We can "abstract out" the small differences and create a function that takes them as arguments. Here, f is a function
that does the main work, and a is the "accumulator"
let rec fold f x a = (* Equivalent to List.fold_right *)
match x with
[] -> a
| h::t ->
let a' = fold f t a in
f h a';;
let sum2 x = (* computes the same answer as sum *)
let plus x y = x + y in
fold plus x 0
let length2 x = (* computes the same answer as length *)
let add1 _ x = 1+x in
fold add1 x 0
length2 [1;2;3] = length [1;2;3];;
sum2 [1;2;3] = sum [1;2;3];;
### Fold examples
Calculate the sum of a list
let sum (l : int list) : int =
fold_left (fun acc x -> acc + x) 0 l
Concatenate a string list into one string
let concat (l : string list) : string =
fold_left (fun acc x -> acc ^ x) "" l
let add a b =a + b;;
let rec range a b =
if a >b then [] else a::range (a+1) b;;
let r = range 5 10;;
fold (+) 0 r;;
Another example for fold: Length of a list
let next (a,_)=a+1;;
fold (next, 0, [1;2;3;4;6]);;
calculate the average grade
let grades = [80;90;70;60];;
let avg l =
let sum = fold (fun x y->x+y) l 0
in let rec length l =
match l with
|h::t->1+length t
in (sum / (length l))
let v = avg grades;;
print_string("Average grade:");;
print_int v;;
Collect all even numbers in the list
fold (fun x y->if (y mod 2) = 0 then y::x else x) [] [1;2;3;4;5;6];;
- : int list = [6; 4; 2]
Find max/min from a list
let maxof2 a b= if a > b then a else b;;
let max2 lst =
match lst with
[]->failwith "empty list"
|h::t-> fold maxof2 h t
val max2 : 'a list -> 'a =
max [3;10;5];;
- : int = 10
(* max [3;10;5]
fold maxof2 3 [10:5]
fold maxof2 10 [5]
fold maxof2 10 []
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