Finding similarities in character strings is an important problem in text processing and data mining. It has applications in genetics research as well, since strands of DNA can be expressed as very long strings of the characters C, G, T, and A.
A string s is said to be a subsequence of string t if the
characters of s appear in order within t, but possibly with gaps
between occurrences of each character. For example, ``COAT'' is a
subsequence of ``ACROBATS'' since these characters occur in the same
order within this string ``ARBS''.
``COBRA'' is not a subsequence of ``ACROBATS'', because even though
all the characters appear, they do not appear in the proper order, and
``COBBS'' is not a subsequence because a character cannot be used
To make this formal, break s and t into their individual characters
One common way to measure the similarity of two character strings is to
determine the length of their longest matching subsequence. For
example, the sequences ``ABRACADABRA'' and ``YABBADABBADOO'' share the
subsequence ``ABADABA'', whose length is 7.
For this problem you will input two character strings and output their
longest matching subsequence and its length. In some cases there may be
more than one longest subsequence, in which case you may output any of
them. (For example, given the strings ``ABCD'' and ``ACBD'' your program
could output either ``ABD'' or ``ACD''.)
and let
. We define
s to be a subsequence of t if there exists a sequence of
such that for
, we have
The input consists of two lines, each containing a string. Each string will contain from 0 to at most 15 characters.
The output consists of four lines. On the first and second lines, output the two input strings after the headers ``First string: '' and ``Second string: '', respectively. On the third line output ``Similarity: '' and the length of the longest matching subsequence. On the second line output ``LMS: '' and the longest matching subsequence.
First string: ABRACADABRA Second string: YABBADABBADOO Similarity: 7 LMS: ABADABA
Input 1 | Output 1 |
Input 2 | Output 2 |
Input 3 | Output 3 |
Input 4 | Output 4 |