HSPC 2023

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Show Off Your Problem-Solving Skills!

HSPC is a 3 hour competition where high school students from the DC metropolitan area compete in teams of four to demonstrate their programming skills and problem solving abilities.


Brendan Iribe Center for Computer Science and Engineering
at University of Maryland
8125 Paint Branch Drive
College Park, MD


Saturday, February 25, 2023
CS Turtle
9:00 am Registration and Check-In
10:15 am Welcome & Contest Overview
Dr. Amol Deshpande
Antonov Auditorim, IRB 0324
10:30 am Practice Session for Students
Classrooms 0318 and 1116
11:45 am Lunch
1:00 pm Student Competition
Classrooms 0318 and 1116
2:30 pm Coaches' Corner
Elias Gonzalez "Coaches" Only
Antonov Auditorim, IRB 0324
3:30 pm Info Session: Iribe Initiative for Inclusion and Diversity in Computing
Charlotte Avery
Open to Coaches and Parents
Antonov Auditorim, IRB 0324
4:00 pm Dessert Reception
Open to All
4:30 pm Award Ceremony
Open to All
Antonov Auditorim, IRB 0324

Aberdeen High School
Archbishop Spalding High School
Arlington Tech
Atholton High School
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
Broad Run High School
Clarksburg High School
Falls Church High School
Friends School of Baltimore
Gaithersburg High School
Howard High School
Kent Island High School
Long Reach High School
Loudoun Valley High School
Marriotts Ridge High School
Montgomery Blair High School
Mt Hebron High School
Northwest High School
Poolesville High School
Reservoir High School
Rock Ridge High School
South River High School
Springbrook High School
Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology
Wheaton High School
Winston Churchill High School

RankNameSolvedTime    P1        P2        P3        P4        P5        P6        P7        P8        P9    Total att/solv
1Thomas Jefferson High School75711/181/141/242/1770/--2/480/--1/592/17110/7
2Montgomery Blair High School64471/52/621/141/--1/1561/730/--1/1170/--8/6
3Marriotts Ridge High School53021/51/111/342/840/--2/1280/--0/--0/--7/5
4Poolesville High School53301/42/691/422/981/--1/770/--0/--0/--8/5
5Winston Churchill High School41741/91/141/282/--1/--2/1030/--0/--0/--8/4
6Team 3153771/81/231/341/1130/--3/1590/--0/--0/--7/5
7Broad Run High School42511/61/431/244/--0/--0/--0/--2/1580/--9/4
8Atholton High School42741/311/251/672/--0/--1/1510/--0/--0/--6/4
9Rock Ridge High School31411/411/621/381/--0/--5/--0/--0/--0/--9/3
10Kent Island High School31471/291/611/571/--0/--4/--0/--0/--0/--8/3
11Long Reach High School31661/121/901/640/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--3/3
12Northwest High School31891/211/961/723/--0/--3/--0/--0/--0/--9/3
13Arlington Tech32292/681/441/973/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--7/3
14Aberdeen High School32461/101/1421/943/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--6/3
15Clarksburg High School32761/631/1161/971/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--4/3
16Falls Church High School33331/951/781/1602/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--5/3
17Archbishop Spalding High School33464/561/1491/813/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--9/3
18Mt Hebron High School33511/242/1731/1342/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--6/3
19Friends School of Baltimore33522/1033/1701/191/--0/--3/--0/--0/--0/--10/3
20Reservoir High School33875/1671/931/474/--0/--1/--0/--0/--0/--12/3
21Loudoun Valley High School34261/356/1711/1203/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--11/3
22South River High School21011/113/--1/906/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--11/2
23Wheaton High School22351/1150/--1/1202/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--4/2
24Baltimore Polytechnic Institute22731/980/--1/1752/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--4/2
25Gaithersburg High School1331/330/--0/--2/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--3/1
26Howard High School1361/360/--0/--2/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--3/1
27Glenelg High School000/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/0
27Mount St. Joseph High School000/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/0
27Seneca Valley High School000/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/0
27Springbrook High School000/--0/--0/--4/--0/--0/--0/--0/--0/--4/0

Note: Team #31 was ineligible to officially participate in the contest and therefore ineligible to win a prize.

Contest Organizers

Mel. Coles

Special Events Coordinator

Jeanine Worden

Lab Director

Maria Johnson

Director of Corporate Partnership Development

Staffworld student workers and alumni volunteers on the Iribe Center rooftop

Staffworld student workers and alumni volunteers

Problem Developers & Contest Judges

Amol Deshpande

Contest Director

workday logo

Interested in becoming a sponsor? Contact Maria Johnson, Director of Corporate Partnership Development: mjohns40@umd.edu.

2023 Contest Problems & Solutions

2023 contest resources are available on GitHub.

2020 Contest Problems & Solutions

2020 contest resources are available on GitHub.

Contest Environment

Contest Rules and Software

The Brendan Iribe Center for Computer Science and Engineering is located at the University of Maryland–College Park, and less than one mile from the College Park Metro station (Metro’s Green Line). See here.

Parking Accommodations

Free parking is available in Regents Drive Garage (Lot B) or across the street in Lot H, as long as the space does not have to be paid for via meter or pay station. Parking may be tough so please allow extra time for finding a space and walking to the event. Please feel free to use the campus parking map if you need to.

image of parking map

Regents Drive Garage is a few minutes walk to Iribe (see above) and is located adjacent to the Plant Sciences and Chemistry buildings, near the center of campus. For directions to the Regents Drive Garage from your current location, you may use Google Maps. For online navigation tools or GPS units, please use this address: 200 Regents Drive, College Park, MD 20742


The Department of Computer Science abides by all University of Maryland, College Park openings and closings. Weather alerts and weather-related schedule updates will be announced on the University of Maryland homepage and the "snow phone line" (301.405.SNOW (7669)), and reported to local radio and television stations.