HSPC 2018

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Show Off Your Problem-Solving Skills!

HSPC is a 3 hour competition where high school students from the DC metropolitan area compete in teams of four to demonstrate their programming skills and problem solving abilities.


CSIC at University of Maryland
4146 Paint Branch Dr.
College Park, MD


Saturday, February 24, 2018
CS Turtle
9am Registration,
Main Lobby, Computer Science Instructional Center (CSIC)
10:15am Welcome & Overview
Assistant Prof. John Dickerson
Lecture Hall, Room 1115, CSIC
10:30am Practice Session for Students Computer Labs, CSIC
11:45am Lunch, Main Lobby, CSIC
1-4pm (Students) Contest, Computer Labs, CSIC
4:10pm Refreshments, Main Lobby, CSIC
4:30-5pm Award Ceremony,
Lecture Hall, Room 1115, CSIC

Gannon Prize

The Gannon prize is awarded in memory of John Gannon, former chair of the Computer Science department and an enthusiastic supporter of the UMD High School Programming Contest.

Gannon Award Winner

The Heights School

Contest Organizers

Miriam Friedman

Events Coordinator

Stephanie Peters

Director of Administration

Jeanine Worden

Lab Director

Problem Developers & Contest Judges

John Dickerson

Contest Director

Interested in becoming a sponsor? Contact Maria Johnson, Director of Corporate Relations: mjohns40@umd.edu.