University of Maryland 15th Annual High School Programming Contest

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The UMD High School Programming Contest brings talented students from high schools throughout the DC metropolitan area to the campus to participate in a three hour competition. Students competing in teams of four demonstrate their programming skills and problem solving abilities by attempting to solve eight programming problems in Java.

The 2005 Contest took place Saturday, March 5, 2005, at the CSIC Building at the University of Maryland, College Park. 32 teams from Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia competed in the contest.


Finish Prize School
lst $2500 Thomas Jefferson High School
2nd $1500 Montgomery Blair High School
3rd $1000 Winston Churchill High School
4th $800 Clover Hill High School
5th $700 Northern High School
6th $600 Mount Hebron High School
Gannon Prize* $500 Centennial High School

*The Gannon prize is awarded to the most-improved school in memory of John Gannon, former chair of the Computer Science department and an enthusiastic supporter of the UMD High School Programming Contest.


Contest Problem & Solutions

Contest Teams

Contest Pictures

Contest Environment

Contest Rules

Previous Contests

Contest Organizers

  • Brenda Chick (facilities & contest coordinator)
  • Pat Ipavich (director of administration)
  • Kathy MacLeod (art design)
  • Brad Plecs, Derek Yarnell, Matt Katsouros (technical consultants)
  • Problem Developers and Contest Judges

  • Amol Despande (judge)
  • Bill Gasarch
  • Evan Golub (judge)
  • Dave Mount (judge)
  • Neil Spring (judge)
  • Chau-Wen Tseng (contest director)
  • Sponsors

    The following corporations and organizations are donating money or services to support the 2005 UMD High School Programming Contest.

  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • Papa John's
  • University of Maryland CMPS Undergraduate Education (STAND)
  • University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS)
  • Dept. of Computer Science, University of Maryland