JavaMemoryModel: Why I want to prohibit test cases 5 and 10

From: Bill Pugh (
Date: Sun Jan 18 2004 - 00:03:53 EST

OK, I don't have a formal proof that allowing 5 and 10 would cause
the roof to collapse.

But here is an example that gives me the willies:

Initially, x = y = z = 0

Thread 1
r1 = z
r2= 42 // really assume this is really a call to allocate
        // and initialize an object, and 42 is a reference to that object
if r1 == 1
   x = r2

Thread 2
z = 1

Thread 3
r3 = x
y = r3

Thread 4
r4 = y
x = r4

Scary behavior:
  r2 == r3 == r4 == 42, r1 == 0

OK, the problem here is that from the viewpoint of thread 1, it sure
looks like in the cases where r1 == 0, the object allocated in thread
1 is thread local, and it can freely allocate it in thread local
storage and reclaim it immediately after it is no longer used by
thread 1.

However, I believe that Sarita's model would allow threads 3 and 4 to
get a reference to the allocated object, even in the case where r1 =

This scares me.

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