Re: JavaMemoryModel: Thread starting in constructors

From: Cliff Click (
Date: Tue Mar 12 2002 - 11:54:54 EST

Jerry Schwarz wrote:

> That was my reaction too, but I slept on it overnight and I think I see
> a subtlety that I overlooked yesterday. When is A.y read? Could it be
> read by the constructor of the Thread instead of by the run method.
> This question can be illustrated without threads. Consider the
> following example
> public class S {
> public final int x;
> S() { x = ... ; }
> ...
> }
> public class U {
> private S s;
> public U(S s) { this.s = s; }
> public int f() { return s.x; }
> }
> Is a compiler allowed to transform the definition of U into
> public class U' {
> private int s_x;
> public U(S s) { this.s_x = s.x ; }
> public int f() { return s_x; }
> }
> Obviously, this couldn't be allowed if s.x were not final, but does the
> special semantics of final allow it? I would like to say yes because
> this is potentially a significant optimization. The relevance to Bill's
> example is that if this transformation were allowed on the anonymous
> Thread class then
>> d) prints x = 1, y = 0
> becomes possible.
> But so do other anomalies. In particular what if U's are used in
> constructors of S. Let's modify S a little
> public class S {
> public final int x;
> private U u;
> public S() {
> u = new(this);
> x = ...; // non-zero value
> }
> public int f() { return u.f(); }
> }
> With the optimization in place S.f will return 0. But I don't see any
> way I can justify S.f returning 0, so I guess the optimization can't be
> allowed. And so, (d) isn't allowed either.
> -- Jerry Schwarz
> -------------------------------
> JavaMemoryModel mailing list -

Now you are asking for the allowed optimizations when we inline into a
constructor BEFORE a final is set and then want to eagerly read the final.
This is an easy-to-test-for situation (inlining into a constructor before
setting all finals) with an obvious optimization to cut out (hoisting the
read of the final into U's constructor). I'm happy to give up this


Dr. Cliff Click      Chief Architect, HotSpot Server  Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Cliff.Click@Sun.COM  Senior Staff Engineer            4150 Network Circle
(408) 276-7046       MS USCA14-102                    Santa Clara, CA 95054

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